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We're Thankful for YOU!

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As Thanksgiving 2022 is passed and we have officially entered the Holiday Season, we all tend to take this time to reflect on all of the positives in our lives. This is no different for our businesses, as we consider our relationships and the successes that those have brought upon each of us.
     Here at WPVS, we have so many people to be thankful for. All of the small, local businesses that we have partnered with over the years have been incredibly loyal and we are thrilled to serve each of you daily to help you grow, just as you do for us. Our numerous vendors have supplied us with the best products for our customers and have worked with us to maintain a competitive pricing structure so that we can extend those deals to our customers. Our 50+ employees work hard every single day to maintain the most positive relationships that we can with each and every one of you.

     We have so much to be thankful for this Holiday Season, and we would absolutely be remiss not to express that to all of those who have aided in our successes. You all drive us to improve each day so that we can all grow together. To our ENTIRE WPVS Family, thank you and Happy Holidays.

     - Jacob Baldwin, WPVS Marketing


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